Marie is a french woman of 54 years old, mother of a girl of 27 and a boy of 20, who live now their own life.
She decided in january 2017 to change her life and felt the evidence of create an eco-hamlet. She moved to Galicia in january 2018. 

She chose Galicia because it is a marvellous country with a beautiful biodiversity, remote from the nuclear in southern Europe and with few pollutions. 

Life here is simple, rural, and the people are rather welcoming.

She has explored different occupations : assistant, farmer, professor of music, coach of therapeutic singing, choral conductor, moderator in kindergartens or retirement homes, trainer for personnel of day care centres, coach in a company, holistic therapist.

An health disorder lead her to follow various psychotherapies for 26 years, which taught her a lot.

In 1999, she lived for two years in a Community of the Arch (Lanza del Vasto), close to Montpellier. These communities are organized as the ashrams of Gandhi.

She studied music for many years, classical dance. She plays accordion, piano and other instruments. 

She loves to go for rides with her horses and is thinking of using them for animal drawn.

Spirituality is part or her life since 35 years. She's coach since 2015.


The principal inspirations for the project comes from the philosophy of Lanza del Vasto (founder of the Communities of the Arch), of Neale Donald Walsh (Conversations with God), from Spiritual masters as Gandhi, Ramana Maharishi, Krishnamurti, Eckhart Tolle, Arnaud Desjardins, Karl Durkheim , etc.

The inspirations for ecology are the ones from Pierre Rabhi (founder of the Movement Colibris), of Permacultura (Fukuoka, Mollison, Holmgren).